Transportation Building Replacement Project

Highline School District No. 401


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date 1/21/25 10:30am
Bid Date 2/6/25 2:00pm


Digital Reprographics



Central Administration Building North

15675 Ambaum Boulevard SW

Burien, WA 98166

(206) 631-3000


Sealed bids for Base Bid Work will be received by the Highline School District No. 401 up to, but no later than

2:00PM on Thursday, the 6th day February 2025, by

James Schauss, Capital Projects Procurement and Budgeting Manager at Highline School District No. 40I,

17810 8th Avenue South, Bldg. A Burien, WA 98148 for:

Bid No.24/25-1-Transportation Building Replacement Project

Base Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at 2:05 PM. Bidders shall refer to the Instruction to Bidders and

Contract Documents for all documents to be included in their Bid Submittal.

Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond (with authorized surety company as surety) made payable to Highline School District No. 401, King County, Washington in the amount of not less than 5% of the base bid.

Prior to the execution of the contract, the bi.dder shall be prepared to furnish statutory perfonnance and payment bonds in the amount of I00% of the contract sum as described in the Instructions to Bidders md Contract Documents. The obligee shall be the High.line School District No. 401. All bonds required in this invitation or under the Contract Documents shall be issued by a state authorized bonding company licensed to transact business in King County and the State of Washington with an A.M. Best policy holder's rating of A- or better and a financial rating of no less than VIII.

A PRE-BID SITE WALK WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday, January 21,2025, at 10:30 AM at

Highline Public School M.O.T Facilities

(Maintenance Operation and Transportation)

17810 8th Avenue South, Burien, WA 98148

Meeting location located West of Building J. Any General Contractor submitting a bid is strongly encouraged to attend this Pre-Bid Site Walk. Bidder 's questions will be accepted until 4:00PM on Friday, January 24, 2025.

Bid documents may be ordered through DRSi's (Digital Reprographic Services, Inc.) ReproConnect service, which can be accessed by going to and choosing the Public Jobs link, which will take you to the list of posted public projects where the Transportation Building L Replacement Project is posted. Bidders must register for a free ReproConnect Account to download digital documents and to be included on the Plan Holders List. Plans, specifications, and bid information can be downloaded at no charge by choosing the Register for an account link in the lower left comer of the page so that contractors are included in the Plan Holders List. Plans and specs can also be printed and shipped or picked up/obtained from DRSi located at 14736 NE 95th Street, Building 9, Redmond, WA 98052. Bid documents will be available beginning January 09, 2025. General Contractors, may obtain sets of plans and specifications by submitting a refundable $50 deposit per set made payable to High line School District No. 401. This deposit will only be refundable if the set(s) are returned within 14 calendar days after the bid date and the set(s) are returned in good condition. Specialty Contractors will be required to secure plans and specifications at the cost of reproduction The cost of delivery is additional and is to be paid directly to DRSi and is not refundable. Plan Holder Registration information will be developed from the Account Registration Process described above, and maintained by DRSi including address, fax, and phone numbers, and email address. Bidding documents will be available for examination during the bidding period at selected plan centers. Contact DRSi for locations. Questions should be directed to DRSi 's main phone number at 425-882-2600, faxing a request to 425-882-3244 or sending an email to

Bid and Contract Documents may also be viewed at the following offices: AGC - Spokane, E.4935 Trent, Spokane, WA 99220 (Electronic)

Associated Builders & Contractors, 12310 East Mira beau Parkway, Suite l00, Spokane, WA 99216 (Electronic)

Builders Exchange of Washington, 2607 Wetmore Ave., Everett, WA 98201 (Electronic)

Southwest WA. Contractor Association, 7017 N.E. Hwy. 99, Unit 116, Vancouver, WA 98665 (Electronic) Spokane Regional Plan Center, 209 N Havana Street, Spokane, WA 99202 (Electronic)

The Weekly Construction Reporter, 2215 Midway Lane, Suite 208, Bellingham, WA 98226 (Electronic) Tri-City Construction Council, 20 E Kennewick Ave, Kennewick, WA 99336 (Electronic)

Yakima Plan Center, 1909 W. Lincoln Ave., Suite 2, Yakima, WA 98902 (Electronic)

All questions are to be directed to the Project team:

Katie Pond

Hutteball + Oremus Architecture

Vy Buck

High line School District

The Board of Directors of High line School District No.401, King County, Washington, reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive informalities or irregularities.

No bidder may withdraw its bid after the hour set for opening thereof, or before award of contract, unless said award is delayed for a period exceeding ninety (90) calendar days after bid opening.

Highline School District No.40 I is an equal opportunity employer and encourages bids from all interested and qualified parties.

Published Dates:

January 09, 2025

January 16, 2025



A. Notice to Bidders: Bidders are invited to submit Bids for Project as described in this Document per Instructions to Bidders.

B. Project Identification: Highlirne Public Schools,Transportation Building Replacement Project

1. Project Location: 17810 81 AveS.,Building l,Burien, WA 98148

C. Owner: Highline Public Schools, 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA 98166

D. Architect Identification: Contract Documents, dated 12/12/2024 were prepared for Project by

Hutteball + Oremus Architecture.

E. Project Description: Work under this contract includes, but is not limited to site work, full utility connections, and coordination of installation of a modular building. Modular building to be installed under a separate contract with a modular installer.

F. Construction Contract: Bids will be received for the following Work:

1. General Contract (all trades).


A. Owner will receive sealed envelopes, containing lump sum Bids marked Highline Pubilc Schools, Transportation Building Replacement Project -Bid No.24/25-1 until bid time and date at location indicated below. Owner will consider Bids prepared in compliance with Instructions to Bidders issued by Owner, and delivered as follows:

1. Bid Date: February 06, 2025

2. Base Bid Time: 2:00p.m.,local time.

3. Location:

a. 17810 8th Ave South, Building A,Burien, Washington 98148 b. (206) 631-7500

B. Submit Bids that are typewritten or written legibly in ink on forms provided herein, and fill out applicable spaces on the forms. Unsigned Bids will not be considered.

C. Bids will be thereafter opened publicly and results will be read aloud. Abstract of Bids may be made available to Bidders.


A. Submit bid security, in form of certified check or acceptable Bidder's Bond, with each Bid in amount of 5 percent of Bid amount. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after opening of Bids. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids and to waive informalities and irregularities.

1. Successful Bidder will be required to furnish Performance Bond and Payment Bond for

Contracts totaling the amount of the contract from an acceptable surety.


1. Prebid Meeting: A Prebid meeting will be conducted as indicated below:

2. Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2025

3. Meeting Time: 10:30 a.m., local time.

4. Location: Highline Public Schools Capital Projects Office; 17810 8th Ave South, Building

A, Burien, Washington 98148

B. Attendance:

1_ Prime Bidders: Prospective prime Bidders are requested to attend.

2. Subcontractors: Prospective Subcontractors are requested to attend.

C. Agenda: Prebid meeting agenda may include review of topics that may affect proper preparation and submittal of Bids, including the following:

1. Procurement and Contracting Requirements:

a. Advertisement for Bids. b. Instructions to Bidders. c. Bidder Qualifications. d. Bonding.

e. Insurance.

f. Bid Security.

g. Bid Form and Attachments. h. Bid Submittal Requirements. i. Bid Submittal Checklist.

j. Notice of Award.

2. Communication during Bidding Period:

a. Obtaining documents.

b. Bidder's Requests for Information.

c. Bidder's Substitution Request/Prior Approval Request. d. Addenda.

3. Contracting Requirements:

a. Agreement.

b. General Conditions.

c. Supplementary Conditions. d. Other Owner requirements.

4. Construction Documents:

a. Scopes of Work.

b. Temporary Facilities. c. Use of Site.

d. Work Restrictions.

e. Substitutions following award.

5. Separate Contracts:

a. Work by Owner.

b. Work of Other Contracts.

6. Schedule:

a. Project Schedule. b. Contract Time.

c. Time is of the essence. d. Other Bidder Questions.

7. Post-Meeting Addendum.


A. Bid Documents (Plans, Specs, Addenda and Bidders list) will be available to all registered bidders and suppliers on, or around, January 09, 2025, and may be viewed, printed, downloaded and ordered at OR by visiting DRSi at and clicking on "VISIT PLANROOM" at the bottom of the page and choosing "Project Name".

Downloading the bid documents from DRSi automatically adds your contact information to DRSi's

Plan Holders list. You must create an account to download the bid documents for free.

General Contractors, Mechanical, and Electrical Contractors can order 1 complete set of bid documents for free with a deposit of $50 check made payable to Highline Public Schools.

Specialty Contractors will be required to secure a set at the cost of reproduction.

This deposit will only be refundable if the set(s) are returned within 14 calendar days after the bid date and the set(s) are returned in good condition. Shipping shall be payable by the contractor to DRSi.

Documents will also be available for examination during the bidding period at the selected plan centers below.

1. AGC- Spokane, E. 4935 Trent, Spokane, WA, 99220 (Electronic)

2. Associated Builders & Contractors, 12310 East Mirabeau Parkway, Suite 100,Spokane, WA,99216 (Electronic)

3. Builders Exchange of Washington, 2607 Wetmore Av., Everett, WA, 98201 (Electronic)

4. Daily Journal of Commerce-Seattle, 83 Columbia Street, Seattle, WA 98104 (Electronic)

5. Southwest WA. Contractor Association, 7017 N.E.Hwy. 99, Suite 214, Vancouver, WA (Eiectmnic)

6. Spokane Regional Plan Center, 209 N Havana Street, Spokane, WA 99202 (Electronic)

7. The Weekly Construction Reporter, 2215 Midway Lane,Suite 208, Bellingham, WA (Electronic)

8. Tri-City Construction Council, 20 E Kennewick Ave, Kennewick, WA 99336 (Electronic)

9. Yakima Plan Center, 1212 N. 16th Ave.#2, Yakima, WA, 989020 (Electronic)

Questions regarding obtaining a set of bid documents should be directed to DRSI's email at or calling the main number at 425-882-2600

B. Within ten (20) business days after notification in writing of the Owner's intent to award Contract, accepted Bidder will be required to enter into a Contract with Owner on Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor.


A. Time is of the essence for the work under this contract. Bidders shall begin Work on receipt of Notice to Proceed and shall complete Work within Contract Time.Failure to complete this contract before the contract completion date will result in liquidated damages.


A. Bidders shall be properly licensed under the laws governing their respective trades and be able to obtain insurance and bonds required for the Work. A Performance Bond, separate Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Insurance in a form acceptable to Owner will be required of the successful Bidder.


A. Work will be constructed under a single stipulated contract by Site Contractor, herein referred to as Contractor, as described by Contract Documents.


A. Prior to submitting Bid for Work, Contractor is required and expected to have examined Project site and premises, and be thoroughly familiarized with existing conditions under which Contractor will be obligated to operate or which will in any way affect Work under this Contract.

B. Bidders and Sub-bidders are further cautioned to become famliiar with contents, alternates, revisions, addenda, General Conditions, Special Conditions, Technical Provisions of Specifications, Drawings, and Work of other contractors. Should Bidder find discrepancies or omissions in Bidding Documents, or should there be doubt as to intent, notify Architect at once, who may, if necessary, issue written Instructions to bidders.

C. Notify Architect of apparent variances in Bidding Documents from conditions as they exist at Project site. Failure to comply with above requirements does not relieve Contractor of requirements of Contract Documents.

D. No extras will be allowed because of Bidder's misunderstanding as to amount of Work involved, Contractor's own error or negligence, or failure to examine Project site. Lack of knowledge of conditions pertaining to Work shall not relieve Contractor from performing Work required to complete pelrformance of Contract.